
DSW offers a wide range of services to its members.

  • We represent our members at approximately 600 general meetings per year in Germany and abroad.
  • We analyse and appraise activities and performance of board members and oppose their proposals whenever necessary.
  • We give free initial legal advice to our members outside the court especially in the field of banking law.
  • We support German shareholders in the assertion of claims resulting from class actions in the US and Canada.
  • We give assistance to investors to apply for refunding of foreign withholding tax.
  • Whenever fundamental matters are concerned, we file law suits (Bond Case, Euro 100 mill. reimbursed). In more than 45 legal cases on take-over bids (since 1965) we enabled our members to recover extra payments of about 30 mill. Euro. Still an immense number of such lawsuits is pending.
  • Being the head office of about 7,000 investment clubs in Germany we help founding those clubs and assist them subsequently.
  • We arrange seminars and round tables for private investors.
  • We represent private investors in various advisory groups of authorities in Germany and at EU level.

Membership fee: 125 EUR p.a.

If you would like to join and support Germany's leading investor association for the benefit of all private investors, please contact us for further information.